BOLD Guide to Helping Orcas in the 2019 Washington State Legislature

Beginning in January 2019, many of the recommendations from the Orca Task force will enter a new process in Olympia. Many recommendations need funding in order to be implemented, others need legislative approval. Your voice is needed in order for important measures to actually move forward to protect endangered Southern Resident killer whales and the …

Perspectives from a Female Killer Whale Scientist – New Research, Dams, Fisheries Management, and Hope

Learn about the biggest issues facing endangered Southern Resident killer whales from Dr. Deborah Giles, Science Advisor for the Orca Salmon Alliance. We talk about challenging issues such as dam removal, fisheries management, and also learn how Giles manages working “on behalf of the Southern Resident killer whales” as an advocate and scientist. Plus, learn how …

Did the Orca Task Force Make a Positive Difference? A Killer Whale Biologist, David Bain, Weighs in.

Now that the first year of the two-year Washington State Orca Task Force has completed their final list of recommendations, and Governor Inslee announced a proposed 1.1 BILLION dollar budget for recovering endangered killer whales, we ask David Bain, killer whale biologist and Whale Scout Program Advisor, to evaluate the results. Did the Orca Task …