Now Hiring Interns: Diverse Voices Student Leadership Program

Whale Scout, a nonprofit organization based in King County, Washington is looking for student interns for spring and summer sessions to assist with salmon habitat restoration and outreach and education activities with diverse audiences. Dedicated to protecting Pacific Northwest whales through land-based conservation experiences, Whale Scout takes a boots-on-the-ground approach to recovering endangered Southern Resident …

Rescheduled Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Planting Event

Sign up Here! In 1979, a public campaign in support of officially recognizing Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as a national holiday was launched. This community-based effort resulted in six million signatures for a petition to Congress. In 1983, Congress passed legislation officially declaring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day a federal holiday. In …

Annual Holiday Fundraiser

From now till December 31st, we are putting on a Holiday Fundraiser event! Every year we put on a yearly fundraiser event where anyone can buy our stickers, mugs, apparel and more and all the proceeds go to supporting our work in the upcoming year! You can also rock your Whale Scout gear at our …

Sammamish River Kayak Tour, June 11th

Take a salmon-eye view of the Sammamish River to learn more about orcas and the ways salmon use the river system to complete their life-cycle. Enjoy a morning of adventure, exploration, and fun kayaking along the Sammamish River in Bothell. Prior to setting off on a one-hour round trip tour, we’ll share a little about …

Help Salmon in Bear Creek

Help maintain new plantings along Bear Creek! Chinook salmon in Bear Creek are doing relatively well compared to nearby streams so let’s keep it that way. Endangered orcas need these fish to recover. Native trees and shrubs protect water quality by shading the stream keeping it cool, providing cover, and stabilizing stream banks from erosion. …

Bothell and Kenmore Celebrate Orca Recovery Day!

They say that water connects all of us and it couldn’t be more true here in the Pacific Northwest. Rain that falls in our neighborhoods finds its way to the nearest stream or river which then eventually flows to the ocean. Here in the Bothell/Kenmore area, the Sammamish River connects our towns and leads to …

Interview with Filmmaker Joshua Zeman, ‘The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52’

Dubbed the “loneliest whale in the world,” a whale calling out at a unique 52 hertz was first discovered by the Navy. Years later, intrigued by mystery, filmmaker Joshua Zeman sets out on a quest to find the whale, ’52’ alongside prominent scientists and acousticians. Join their incredible journey as they use new technologies to …

SeaDoc’s New Podcast Shares the Orcas’ Stories

The SeaDoc Society recently launched a new podcast called, Pod of Orcas: Saving Southern Resident Killer Whales. On this episode we talk with Justin Cox, SeaDoc Communications and Marketing Manager about the podcast, how it came about, and how it aims to make a difference for endangered Southern Resident killer whales. To be explored similar …

Give Big May 4th and 5th

We know you’re hearing a lot about ‘Give Big’. Here’s what makes us different.  Today begins the annual ‘Give Big‘ event in Washington. Your inbox is probably full of requests asking for your hard-earned dollars. We’re a little different from the rest. Here are five reasons why we believe our organization is worthy of your support today. 1. Our work …