All Our Relations: Tribute to the Orca


You’re invited to the All Our Relations: Tribute to the Orca on June 12 from 6:30 – 9:30pm at the Seattle Aquarium! Tribute to the Orca is presented by Se’Si’Le, an Indigenous-led nonprofit in Washington State and is supported by a coalition of NGOs and faith-based partners. Join us for an evening centered around raising up Indigenous voices and re-imagining our relationship with Nature. Indigenous leaders will explore several interwoven issues to increase awareness of their ancient kinship with the orca, the salmon, and their heritage of honoring our caretaker: Mother Nature.

The evening will have a special focus on the Southern Resident orcas whose survival, like the survival of Indigenous lifeways, depends on scha’enexw (the Salmon People). We will hear from Indigenous leaders from across the region who will speak to the sacred obligation to past and future generations and shed light on their ancient covenant with all our relations in the air, on the land, and in the waters.

Tickets are available on a sliding scale basis. Indigenous People are welcome to attend free-of charge. Space is limited so be sure to reserve your tickets.

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