How Could a New Habitat Protection Law Help Orcas? Amy Carey Explains.

Executive Director of Sound Action, Amy Carey, explains why orcas need soft shorelines in Puget Sound. House Bill 1579, if passed, will protect shorelines through the revision of HPA (hydraulic project approval) process for construction in waters. Sound Action has spent countless hours watchdogging every marine HPA and fighting to ensure shorelines are protected. This fix …

Perspectives from a Female Killer Whale Scientist – New Research, Dams, Fisheries Management, and Hope

Learn about the biggest issues facing endangered Southern Resident killer whales from Dr. Deborah Giles, Science Advisor for the Orca Salmon Alliance. We talk about challenging issues such as dam removal, fisheries management, and also learn how Giles manages working “on behalf of the Southern Resident killer whales” as an advocate and scientist. Plus, learn how …

Did the Orca Task Force Make a Positive Difference? A Killer Whale Biologist, David Bain, Weighs in.

Now that the first year of the two-year Washington State Orca Task Force has completed their final list of recommendations, and Governor Inslee announced a proposed 1.1 BILLION dollar budget for recovering endangered killer whales, we ask David Bain, killer whale biologist and Whale Scout Program Advisor, to evaluate the results. Did the Orca Task …

Reactions to Inslee’s Budget and Plan to Recover Orcas from Monika Wieland-Shields and Whitney Neugebauer

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee announces is budget and plans to save endangered Southern Resident killer whales. The 1.1 Billion dollar packaged surprised many, but take a closer look at where the money will be spent. Whitney and Monika will break down the major line items and how those choices may impact orcas. Inslee’s proposed …

Jacques White from Long Live the Kings Talks Salmon, Orca Task Force, and Pinnipeds

Jacques White is the Executive Director of Long Live the Kings, a group with the mission to restore wild salmon and steelhead and to support sustainable fishing. On this episode of the Whale Scout Podcast we discuss his experience serving on the Orca Task Force, whether or not the recommendations go far enough to save endangered …

Erin Corra from FOLKS shares Lime Kiln Lighthouse Centennial Event and more!

Erin Corra, FOLKS (Friends of Lime Kiln Society) Founder and Executive Director shares the magic of Lime Kiln State Park, also known as “whale watch park” and how her team of volunteers can make your next visit a spectacular one. The FOLKS team also has great events lined up this winter and summer including a …

Monika Wieland-Shields Talks Urgent Need for Task Force Comments, Writing, and Research

President of Orca Behavior Institute (OBI), Monika Wieland-Shields shares her thoughts on the 2018 Orca Task Force in Washington State and discusses the urgent need for the public to submit comments on the final Draft Recommendations Report. She also shares some of the important research OBI is doing to inform policy decisions being discussed at the Task …

Alexandra Morton talks killer whale, wild salmon research and activism

Killer whale researcher turned salmon scientist and wild salmon advocate Alexandra Morton joins the Whale Scout podcast to share about her work. Beginning with studies of captive killer whale acoustics, Corky the orca lead her to British Columbia to the rest of her wild pod. From there, salmon farms moved in and Alexandra Morton stepped …

Veterinarian Dr. Nollens discusses J50’s condition and treatment plan

Dr. Hendrik Nollens is a Veterinarian at SeaWorld and member of the NOAA-lead operation to assess and treat J50, also known as Scarlet, an ailing Southern Resident killer whale. J50 has been deteriorating in health over the summer and teams have stepped in to help. This almost 4 year old whale is looking very thin and …