Ari Friedlaender – Antarctic Whales Research Featured in National Geographic TV Show

Ari Friedlaender talks with us about his research on whales in Antarctica. His work is featured on National Geographic’s show Continent 7: Antarctica which has it’s season finale on Tuesday, December 20th. Learn how whales are recovering from whaling and responding to climate change in Antarctica, plus how you can tag along on his next trip!


How Helpin’ Out at Narrows Park will Help Endangered Killer Whales with Eric Guenther

Tune in for the latest news about what’s going on with four new baby orcas born into the Southern Resident community and how your help on April 25th will feed these new little mouths! We’re joined by PenMet Park’s Eric Guenther to tell us all about it!

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Correction – Sharon Grace was mistakenly named as Sharon Nelson, another great advocate for killer whales. Our apologies. 

Special Double Feature on Captivity Issues with Howard Garrett and Anna Gullickson

We’re joined by Howard Garrett to discuss the newly added member of the endangered Southern Residents – Lolita, who lives at the Miami Seaquarium and what the implications of this decision may be for Lolita’s future. Also, Anna Gullickson, floatplane pilot, tells us the story of how she initiated a bill in Washington State to ban cetaceans in captivity.


Lolita at the Miami Seaquarium

Photo: Anne-Marie van Dijk