Dr. Holly Fearnbach – studying body condition of whales using overhead photos

Some of the most insightful and vital new scientific research is also the least invasive. Researchers such as Dr. Holly Fearnbach are able to use advancing drone technologies to take photos of whales and measure their health over time. Learn more from SR3 on their blog including a recent encounter with J pod in March 2020, where they reported the whales looked to be in “decent condition.” Learn more about the local Puget Sound Gray whales, which are also being studied from Cascadia Research Collective in their recent report. Gray whales in the Pacific have been suffering from an “unusual mortality event” in recent years, hear Dr. Holly Fearnbach’s thoughts on what might be happening.

More fish for everyone, Columbia Basin salmon, dams, and orcas. Joseph Bogaard and commercial fisherman Amy Grondin explain.

Amy Grondin and Joseph Bogaard

After decades of litigation, the Columbia and Snake River dams are once again under federal analysis. These salmon were once an enormous contributor of salmon for people, orcas, and wildlife. Their bodies contributed nutrients to marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Now, the Columbia Basin is home to endangered or even extinct runs of salmon. Executive Director of Save our Wild Salmon Coalition, Joseph Bogaard and commercial fisherman Amy Grondin discuss the shared value of salmon, politics, and current opportunities to comment and engage on this issue.

The deadline to comment on the new Draft Environmental Impact Statement is April 13th. For more information from the Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition, visit this website.

Action Alert! Tell agencies the whales and salmon do not need harmful dams in Washington State.

While we’re home staying safe there are not one but TWO opportunities to tell our leaders that dams and salmon do not mix. Endangered Southern Resident killer whales need these fish to live, reproduce, and thrive once again. The two comment periods focus on the Columbia/Snake River system dam operations and a proposal for a NEW dam on the Chehalis River. Your BOLD team breaks down the thousands of pages of both of these Draft Environmental Impact Statements to help you understand what’s at stake and how make effective comments.

Read the simple, easy to digest document here.


Columbia/Snake River comments due April 13

Chehalis River project comments due May 27

A new dam on the Chehalis River in Washington? Cindy Hansen and Lee First explain what’s at stake.

Photo: Chehalis headwaters that would be inundated, Lee First.

Flooding on the Chehalis River prompted a proposal to build a new dam on one of the most pristine rivers in Washington State. As of today, salmon in this river are doing relatively well and Southern Resident killer whales depend on them. Learn more from Lee First of Twin Harbors Waterkeeper and Cindy Hansen of Orca Network. Together both these experts work together with partners on the Chehalis River Alliance. Learn more about this proposed project in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and comment by May 27th, 2020. Want a summary of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and tips for commenting? Check out this BOLD guide. Watch a documentary film, Chehalis: A Watershed Moment, about the Chehalis River and proposed project to learn more.

Rich Riels Describes How “Line-less” Fishing Gear can Save Whales

Ropes from fishing gear entangle many species of whales every year. If these lines don’t kill the animal, detrimental injuries often reduce their fitness and ability to forage. The group SMELTS has developed a unique piece of gear utilizing technology for fishermen to call up their gear on demand using a “lift bag” or essentially a powerful balloon to bring the traps to the surface. Learn more.

Coextinction – the film

Gloria Pancrazi, one of the creators of the upcoming film, Coextinction, joins us to talk about Southern Resident killer whales and their close relationship with imperiled salmon runs. Plus, learn more about the upcoming “March for the Dams,” a walk from Portland to the first of the four lower Snake River Dams. *Note, the federal Environmental Impact Statement relating to the Snake River dams has been released February 28th, 2020 and you can find more information here.