Rich Riels Describes How “Line-less” Fishing Gear can Save Whales

Ropes from fishing gear entangle many species of whales every year. If these lines don’t kill the animal, detrimental injuries often reduce their fitness and ability to forage. The group SMELTS has developed a unique piece of gear utilizing technology for fishermen to call up their gear on demand using a “lift bag” or essentially a powerful balloon to bring the traps to the surface. Learn more.

Coextinction – the film

Gloria Pancrazi, one of the creators of the upcoming film, Coextinction, joins us to talk about Southern Resident killer whales and their close relationship with imperiled salmon runs. Plus, learn more about the upcoming “March for the Dams,” a walk from Portland to the first of the four lower Snake River Dams. *Note, the federal Environmental Impact Statement relating to the Snake River dams has been released February 28th, 2020 and you can find more information here.