David Bain and Emily Sprong Talkin’ Forests and Killer Whales

We’re joined IN STUDIO with David Bain, killer whale biologist, and Emily Sprong, new Executive Director of Friends of North Creek Forest to chat about our upcoming Helpin’ Out event on June 27th! Learn about the last great forest in Bothell, Washington and how you can help. David Bain answers why baby killer whales around four or five months of age have splotchy skin – something we’re seeing on J51 and L121 these days.

kid north creek forest

Lynne Barre Species In the Spotlight – Southern Resident Orcas

NOAA Protected Resources Division’s Lynne Barre joins us to talk about the new Species in the Spotlight campaign featuring eight endangered species, including Southern Resident killer whales. Learn more about how this campaign will help whales and priorities for recovery over the next ten years.

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How Helpin’ Out at Narrows Park will Help Endangered Killer Whales with Eric Guenther

Tune in for the latest news about what’s going on with four new baby orcas born into the Southern Resident community and how your help on April 25th will feed these new little mouths! We’re joined by PenMet Park’s Eric Guenther to tell us all about it!

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Correction – Sharon Grace was mistakenly named as Sharon Nelson, another great advocate for killer whales. Our apologies. 

Special Double Feature on Captivity Issues with Howard Garrett and Anna Gullickson

We’re joined by Howard Garrett to discuss the newly added member of the endangered Southern Residents – Lolita, who lives at the Miami Seaquarium and what the implications of this decision may be for Lolita’s future. Also, Anna Gullickson, floatplane pilot, tells us the story of how she initiated a bill in Washington State to ban cetaceans in captivity.


Lolita at the Miami Seaquarium

Photo: Anne-Marie van Dijk

For more information on topics discussed in the podcast please visit:

Orca Network 

Find your Legislator

January 5th, 2015 Jim Freese and David Bain Talk Forests and Whales, Plus 2014 Top Stories

In this episode of the Whale Scout Podcast we review the interesting high and low stories of  2014 including the latest news of new calf J50, accomplishments, and set a course for 2015. We are also joined IN STUDIO with Jim Freese and David Bain of Friends of North Creek Forest to talk about our upcoming Helpin’ Out event on January 31st in Bothell, Wa. Hear why this forest matters to killer whales and why YOU should join in on the fun! David Bain, also a killer whale biologist, gives us a sneak peek into his Million Tree Challenge benefitting endangered orcas.

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Jessica Lundin Talks Orca Moms and Babies

Doctoral candidate Jessica Lundin joins us on the Whale Scout Podcast this week to discuss her work studying endangered Southern Resident killer whales using scat (poop) samples.  With the recent disappearance of new calf L120 and the startling lack of surviving calves over the last two years, Lundin’s research gives us insight into what might be going on with orca moms and babies. The results likely won’t surprise you – orca moms who don’t get enough salmon to eat can’t produce a successful calf. We also discuss the pregnancy rumors surrounding J32 (Rhapsody) and ways you can help out these struggling orca moms and babies. To support this fantastic work, please visit the UW Center for Conservation Biology Webpage.





October 26th News and Events Update Podcast

Whales in Puget Sound, come watch whales with our awesome team of volunteers, the death of L120, Marine Naturalists get together to take action, movie screening of Damnation, Whale Scout habitat restoration and more! Click the player below!

Photo courtesy of Connie Bickerton
Photo courtesy of Connie Bickerton

October 26th News and Events Update Podcast

Whales in Puget Sound, come watch whales with our awesome team of volunteers, the death of L120, Marine Naturalists get together to take action, movie screening of Damnation, Whale Scout habitat restoration and more! Click the player below!

Photo courtesy of Connie Bickerton
Photo courtesy of Connie Bickerton